Utilizing our onsite (1200 S. Barr Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802) licensed daycare center and relationships with Head Start and elementary schools in the area, our Early Childhood Education students get hands-on experience right away working with children. Whether you’re interested in childcare, education, social work or psychology, this program will be instrumental in starting your career.
By participating in this program for the first year, students will get firsthand experience in early childhood education. Students will learn about potential careers and strategies for promoting child development and learning. As well as, learning how to manage and operate licensed childcare facilities or educational settings. Students will plan developmentally appropriate activities that are aligned with current health and safety guidelines.
The second year capstone will prepare students to complete the application, CDA exam, and verification process for the Child Development Associate (CDA) credential. Students may also study the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and moral development of children from conception to age twelve. (Available with Instructor Approval)
Early Childhood Education Program Flyer
Preschool Teacher
Home-Based Service Provider
Family Support Specialist
Elementary School Teacher
Students have the opportunity to earn college credits through Ivy Tech and industry certifications like Child Development Associate and CPR.
Child Development Associate (CDA)